The ministry of preaching is shared between the pastor and those who are called to serve in their specific church. A preacher has:
Advanced and growing knowledge of scripture and theology
Ability to craft a gospel-centered sermon that is accessible by the listeners
To develop in this ministry, we suggest the following plan:
Month 1
Read: The Bible
How To Read The Bible Book By Book
Activity: Think about a sermon that you've heard that you thought was particularly meaningful. What made it meaningful to you?
Month 2
Read: The Bible
How To Read The Bible Through The Jesus Lens
Activity: Write out the answers to this question: Where do you see Jesus in Genesis 1; Exodus 20:1-20; 2 Samuel 7:1-16; Psalm 23
Month 3
Read: The Bible
The Four Pages of the Sermon - Wilson
Activity: Answer the following:
In Isaiah 6:
What is the problem in the text?
What is the grace in the text?
What is the problem for today?
What is the grace for today?
Month 4
Read: The Bible
Activity: Theme, Goal, Need for Old Testament text of your choice
Month 5
Read: The Bible
A Concise Theology, J.I. Packer
Revelation Scripture Is the Word of God
Interpretation Christians Can Understand the Word of God
General Revelation God’s Reality Is Known to All
Guilt The Effect of General Revelation
Inward Witness Scripture Is Authenticated by the Holy Spirit
Authority God Governs His People through Scripture
Knowledge True Knowledge of God Comes through Faith
Creation God Is the Creator
Self-Disclosure “This Is My Name”
Self-Existence God Has Always Been
Transcendence God’s Nature Is Spiritual
Omniscience God Sees and Knows
Sovereignty God Reigns
Almightiness God Is Omnipresent and Omnipotent
Predestination God Has a Purpose
Trinity God Is One and Three
Activity: Theme, Goal, Need for New Testament text of your choice
Month 6
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology
Holiness God Is Light
Goodness God Is Love
Wisdom God’s Twofold Will Is One
Mystery God Is Surpassingly Great
Providence God Governs This World
Miracles God Shows His Presence and Power
Glory God’s Glory-Showing Requires Glory-Giving
Idolatry God Demands Total Allegiance
Angels God Employs Supernatural Agents
Demons God Has Supernatural Opponents
Satan Fallen Angels Have a Leader
Humanness God Made Human Beings in His Image
Humankind Humans Are Body and Soul, in Two Genders
The Fall The First Human Couple Sinned
Original Sin Depravity Infects Everyone
Inability Fallen Human Beings Are Both Free and Enslaved
Activity: Theme, Goal, Need for Genesis
Activity: Write theme, goal, need for Psalm 23
Month 7
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology
Covenant God Takes Sinful Humans into a Covenant of Grace
Law God Legislates, and Demands Obedience
Law in Action God’s Moral Law Has Three Purposes
Conscience God Teaches and Cleanses the Heart
Worship God Gives a Liturgical Pattern
Prophets God Sent Messengers to Declare His Will
Incarnation God Sent His Son, to Save Us
Two Natures Jesus Christ Is Fully Human
Virgin Birth Jesus Christ Was Born by Miracle
Teacher Jesus Christ Proclaimed God’s Kingdom and Family
Sinlessness Jesus Christ Was Entirely Free from Sin
Obedience Jesus Christ Fulfilled His Father’s Redemptive Will
Vocation Jesus Christ’s Mission Was Revealed at His Baptism
Transfiguration How Jesus Christ’s Glory Was Revealed
Resurrection Jesus Christ Was Raised from the Dead
Ascension Jesus Christ Was Taken Up into Heaven
Check: Reformed Theology Assessment
Activity: Write theme, goal, need for Romans
Month 8
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology
Session Jesus Reigns in Heaven
Mediation Jesus Christ Is the Mediator between God and Man
Sacrifice Jesus Christ Made Atonement for Sin
Definite Redemption Jesus Christ Died for God’s Elect
Paraclete The Holy Spirit Ministers to Believers
Salvation Jesus Rescues His People from Sin
Election God Chooses His Own
Effectual Calling God Draws His People to Himself
Check: Reformed Theology Assessment
Activity: For each book of the Bible, write a two to three sentence summary that describes each of the following:
Literary Genre
Historical Context
Canonical Context
Theological Purpose
Christological connection
Covenantal connection
Month 9
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology
Illumination The Holy Spirit Gives Spiritual Understanding
Regeneration The Christian Is Born Again
Works Good Works Are an Expression of Faith
Repentance A Christian Changes Radically
Justification Salvation Is by Grace through Faith
Adoption God Makes His People His Children
Sanctification The Christian Grows in Grace
Liberty Salvation Brings Freedom
Activity: Write a sermon based on a New Testament text of your choice
Month 10
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology:
Legalism Working for God’s Favor Forfeits It
Antinomianism We Are Not Set Free to Sin
Love Loving Is Basic to Christian Behavior
Hope Hoping Is Basic to the Christian Outlook
Enterprise A Christian Lives to Please God
Prayer Christians Practice Fellowship with God
Oaths and Vows Christians Must Be Truthful
The Kingdom of God Christians Must Manifest Kingdom Life
Activity: Write a sermon based on a New Testament text of your choice
Month 11
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology:
Apostles Jesus’ Representatives Exercised His Authority
Church God Plants His People in a New Community
Word and Sacrament How a Genuine Church Is Identified
Elders Pastors Must Care for the Church
Sacraments Christ Instituted Two Seals of God’s Covenant
Baptism This Rite Exhibits Union with Christ
The Lord’s Supper This Rite Exhibits Communion with Christ
Discipline The Church Must Uphold Christian Standards
Activity: Make a recording of yourself preaching a sermon. Meet with Rich Underwood to go over public speaking techniques
Month 12
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology:
Mission Christ Sends the Church into the World
Spiritual Gifts The Holy Spirit Equips the Church
Marriage Matrimony Is Meant to Be a Permanent Covenant Relationship
The Family The Christian Household Is a Spiritual Unit
The World Christians Are in Society to Serve and Transform It
The State Christians Must Respect Civil Government
Perseverance God Keeps His People Safe
Unpardonable Sin Only Impenitence Cannot Be Forgiven
Activity: Make a recording of yourself preaching a sermon. Meet with Rich Underwood to go over public speaking techniques
Month 13
Read: The Bible
Concise Theology:
Mortality Christians Need Not Fear Death
Second Coming Jesus Christ Will Return to the Earth in Glory
General Resurrection The Dead in Christ Will Rise in Glory
Judgment Seat God Will Judge All Mankind
Hell The Wicked Will Be Banished into Endless Misery
Heaven God Will Welcome His People into Everlasting Joy
Activity: Preach a sermon on Sunday morning. Receive feedback through evaluations from congregation members. Meet with Rich Underwood for feedback on presentation style
Theology - Knowing God - Packer
Anthropology - Not The Way It’s Supposed To Be - Plantinga
Christology - The Cross of Christ – Stott
Soteriology - Saved By Grace – Hoekema
Ecclesiology - The Emotionally Healthy Church – Scazzero
Ecclesiology -When The Church Was Family – Hellerman
Eschatology - The Bible On The Life Hereafter – Hendrickson
Eschatology - The Meaning of the Millennium - Clouse
Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms – Grenz, Guretzki, Nording
An Introduction to the Old Testament – Dillard, Longman
An Introduction to the New Testament – Carson, Moo, Morris
Church Order of the Christian Reformed Church
On Being Reformed - I. John Hesslink
What It Means To Be Reformed - What It Means, Why It Matters - Robert DeMoor
90 percent of Helping Is Just Showing up