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The Bible is the Authoritative Word of God. It contains all that people in any age need to know for their salvation. We call the Bible God’s Word, believing that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God speaks to us through this book.


We believe in the Trinity - God is one God in three persons.

God the Father:  The first person of the Trinity is the one Jesus revealed to us as “the Father.” God is not some remote, unknowable spiritual entity. Rather God is our loving, powerful heavenly Father. We profess that God created heaven and earth and all that is in them.  Further, all that is good and beautiful points to a Creator God. Thus all humans can know something about God through what creation reveals.

God the Son:  The second person of the triinity is Jesus of Nazareth, though born of a woman, was more than a human being; He was actually God’s Son and thus also God Himself. As the Christ, Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies about a Messiah who would redeem God’s people. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are grounded in historical fact.  After His earthly work of redemption was finished, Jesus took His place in heaven as Lord of all things. He will come again to make all things new.

God the Holy Spirit:  The third person of the trinity is the gift of the Holy Spirit to all believers. When Jesus ascended bodily to heaven, He promised His disciples a comforter, a source of power; one that would “lead them into all truth.” This gift was the Holy Spirit. Ever since then, the Holy Spirit has dwelled in and empowered God’s people.  The Holy Spirit is the presence and power of God with us here and now, leading the church, uniting God’s people, applying God’s forgiveness to our broken lives, speaking to us, and spurring us individually and communally to godly living.

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Contemporary Topics

CLICK HERE to read about our beliefs regarding a wide variety of topics and issues, including marriage, abortion, same sex attraction, and many others. 

Next - Who We Are - What it Means to be Christian Reformed

Peace Church's Symbol is a Cross & Leaf
  • The cross is foundational to Peace Church's belief in Jesus Christ's death to save us from our sins.
  • The leaf symbolizes growth in our relationship with God and with others.
  • There is a path, shown by the stem and white of the cross, showing that our lives are guided by God and His providential care. 
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