Administrative Assistant & Custodians
Peace Church Leadership
Peace Church Council
Peace Church has a Council comprised of Elders, Deacons and the Pastor. The number of Elders and Deacons may vary from year to year. The Council meets every other month beginning in February to discuss the work of the Elders, Deacons, and Pastor, and to discuss how to promote the vision and ministry of the church.
The Elders have oversight of the doctrine and life of the members of the congregation, exercise admonition and discipline, provide pastoral care, promote the work of evangelism, and defend the faith. The term of an Elder is typically two years, but may vary. A prospective Elder will be mentored by a current or recently retired Elder.
The Deacons administer mercy; stimulate the members to faithful and obedient stewardship; collect, administer and distribute monies; serve the congregation with counsel and assistance. The term of a Deacon is typically two years, but may vary. A prospective Deacon will be mentored by a current or recently retired Deacon.
Ministry Team Leaders
The Ministry Teams serve to assist the Council in these areas of ministry: Education, Fellowship, Service, Worship, Buildings and Grounds, and Administrative. The Administrative Team is a working extension of the Council to handle the administrative and financial aspects of the overall ministry. Ministry Team Leaders are appointed by the Council, they administrate and lead their respective areas of ministry, and meet periodically with other Team Leaders and the Pastor to coordinate, cooperate, and communicate the ministry of Peace Church.
2023 Council Members & Team Leaders
- Brent Disselkoen (2023) - President
- Russ Marcus (2025) - Vice President
- Bob Vander Veen (2023)
- Michelle Van Rheenen (2023) - Treasurer / Assistance Requests
- Morgan Spoelstra (2023) - Assistant Treasurer
- Wealee Nupolu (2023)
- Dale Everts (2025)
Team Leaders:
- John Van Rheenen - Building & Grounds
- Donna Smith - Education
- Vacant - Fellowship
- Deb & Dean Roggow - Service
- Faye Dykema - Worship