Peace Church is a Christian Reformed Ministry
Every one of us is a broken sinner in need of God's unconditional love, and so together as the Peace Church family, we are called to repent and surrender ourselves to allow Jesus to do His work through His Holy Spirit, whatever He wants to do, to transform us into the people He wants us to be.
Peace Church was organized in 1972. It is affiliated with the Christian Reformed denomination.
The Christian Reformed Church in North America(CRCNA) includes just over one thousand congregations across the United States and Canada. About 75 percent of the churches are in the United States; 25 percent are in Canada. Almost 230,000 people belong to the CRCNA—not a large number when you consider the population of our two countries. But by God’s grace we can accomplish a lot when we work together.
Our Mission
In celebration of God's grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to loving God, loving our neighbor, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all people.
-- The Great Commandment, Matthew 22:37-39, and The Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20
Proclaiming God through Word and Sacrament, responding with Prayer and Praise
Encouraging one another with authentic Christian fellowship
Advancing the Kingdom by sharing our faith in Christ as Savior and Lord
Challenging one another to grow in Christ by learning God's Word
Equipping one another to serve in the church, community and world in the name of Christ
We will be shaped by this Calling, and we will give thanks as Jesus Christ transforms the people, the programs, and the plans of Peace Church according to His Will.
Our Vision
We will be shaped by this Calling, and we will give thanks as Jesus Christ transforms the people, the programs, and the plans of Peace Church according to His Will.
Our vision for Peace Church is to:
- Mobilize leaders to be primarily people-oriented.
- Unconditional love and support for our Church family.
- Unconditional love for our neighbors.
- Frequent celebrations of new life in Christ.