Welcome to Worship at Peace Church
You are very welcome to worship with us. We are a multicultural, multigenerational group of believers from a wide variety of backgrounds who love God and seek to grow closer and closer to Him each day.
The focus of worship at Peace Church is to proclaim God through Word and Sacrament, responding with Prayer and Praise.
Our Sunday morning Worship Service (9:30 a.m.) includes an opening time of singing, recognizing our dependence on God, along with confession, assurance, and a message based on God's Word.
We give offerings as an act of worship. If you are a visitor with us, you are not expected to make a contribution, unless you desire to do so.
Our Worship Style
Worship at Peace Church is directed first toward God. Worship is expressed according to His expectations and requirements, as communicated through Scripture. Worship, we understand, is a dialog between us and God, with God having the first word and we responding gratefully through song and prayer. Worship is centered around the Word of God. Each element of the worship service, singing, praying, offering our gifts, confessing our sins, the celebration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, prepares us to hear God speak out of His Bible.
Within God’s will for appropriate worship, we recognize a vast diversity of styles, which are reflected each week in our worship services. Following the Holy Spirit's direction, worship flows out of the mosaic of personalities which make up this church. Different styles converge into a unity of worship. Each Sunday is different. Sometimes the guitar and drum are used to praise, and sometimes we sing without any instruments. Classic hymns are mixed with contemporary songs. Our desire is for the dialog of worship to be genuine and authentic, sincere and spontaneous. In true worship, worship in Spirit and in truth, we are transformed, energized and empowered to serve our Lord in His world.
Some have described our worship style as a gathering of friends and family in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. You will find God's abundant grace expressed through our members and attenders. Peace Church works hard to be an example of God's love and acceptance to all who attend. Do you struggle with health issues? Come. Have you been in prison? Come. If you are lonely, come. If you are curious, come.
'For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'
~ Matthew 25:35-36 New Living Translation