Worship Planners-in-training are asked to do the following:
Month 1 Worship is Biblical:
- Be reading the Bible
- Read “The Worship Sourcebook”, Prologue, section 1, pages 15-28
- Be familiar with our worship template
Have a conversation with Pastor Gary or a worship planner about worship as Biblical.
Month 2 Worship is Reformed:
Have a conversation with Pastor Gary or a worship planner about worship as Reformed.
Month 3 Worship is corporate
- So You’ve Been Asked To Lead Congregational Singing (copies in the work room at church)
- So You've Been Asked To Lead A Worship Service (copies in the work room at church)
- Visit another church and notice how their worship differs from what you are used to
- Meet with Pastor Gary or a worship planner to compare and contrast and think about the why and how.
Month 4 Worship is contextual
- Practice writing transition statements between:
- Prelude and Call To Worship
- A song of praise and a prayer of confession
- Assurance of forgiveness and the offering
- Practice what happens if you don't have anything scripted in front of you and have to lead a prayer of confession on the fly.
Month 5 Sacraments
Read: The Worship Sourcebook, pages 305-309
- Plan a communion portion of the worship service, based on Galatians 3:23-29 as a preaching text
- Write a prayer of requests
- Lead the prayer of requests in a worship service
Month 6 Worship in Real Life
Read: Be familiar with “How To Read The Bible Book by Book.”
- Plan a worship based on one of the following themes:
"A gratitude service based on Psalm 103"
"An Advent service on the theme of hope, from Isaiah 9:1-7 "
"A Pentecost worship service based on Acts 2."
- Practice running a praise team rehearsal.
- Role play a conversation with Pastor Gary or a worship planner where someone complains about the worship service
- Ask God to lead you to someone else you can train