Guidelines for Worshiping Together in the Church Building updated April 6, 2022
- Use of masks is acceptable, but not required, per CDC guidelines.
- If you are not feeling well, we ask that you stay home.
- Online worship or listening by phone remains available.
- Hand sanitizer is available to be used upon entrance and exit of church.
- Offering boxes are available in the Sanctuary Hallway before and after the worship to receive our gifts.
- Communion: The Lord’s Supper will be served on the 2nd Sunday of the month. The Elders will hand out sealed bread and juice at the door as people enter the building. After communion, we ask that everyone put the empty cup back into the bread bag and dispose of it in the wastebasket at the door as you walk out. Elders will offer to bring communion to those members who are not able to attend in person.